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Birthday Wishes Coming up.....

Dear All, I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and kept safe and weather permitted enjoyed a walk or two!

Its a very peculiar time in all our lives right now, very frustrating, sad but also I hope inspiring…

I have met some amazing people in my new venture and believe that ‘artisan’ is the only way forward…people are shopping and choosing differently.

June for me, is a month full of Birthdays… including mine…so next week I will be baking something to share with hopefully my family whom I have rarely seen over the past couple of months…..thank goodness for my camera phone…mind you…...I cannot stand looking at myself…who’s that woman with the grey hair?

So today’s photo is a lovely box of goodies that I had the pleasure of baking for a customer over the weekend!

Have a good week, love liz xx

Freshly baked Victoria Sandwich Cake and Brownie Box for Two